Under 25: Naama Alex Levy

photography by naama alex levy


New Year, new series of posts.

It’s been a while that I’ve been wanting to share pictures by super young Israeli artists I follow.

In this series of posts, I’ll be asking the same 6 questions to different artists (all under 25 years old), and I’ll accompany the posts with a selection of images illustrating their work. The aim is to create a series of visual posts with a behind the scenes and alternative feel to them


Today, I’m happy to introduce to you the young Israeli photographer Naama Alex Levy.


1. How long have you been photographing?

I started by taking “artistic” photos of myself, and bought my first SLR camera in 2007.

israeli photographer

2. What’s your favorite subject matter?

I’m mostly into people as my main subjects. What I’m interested in my creation is to touch this thin and unclear line between real life and staged situations, nature and cities. I love combining fashion and perfect beauty with the vibes of documenting real life and emotions and a sense of spontaneous, even awkward situations.

נעמה אלקס לוי naama alex levy

3. What camera do you use?

I use both Canon D350 and D7.


4. Tell us about a photographer your admire

I love Nan Goldin, and Ellen Von Unwerth. actually- I love many photographers!

But it seems like these two girls can really bring out the very best of their subjects: real honest concepts and sentiments.

naama alex levy work

5. Where do you find your inspiration (websites, places, people, writer…)?

In my world, inspiration comes from everything that awakes my brain cells and emotions. The way traveling, seeing the big world independently makes me feel, being in love, meeting new interesting people, watching films, music. Being exposed to other talents- that also gets my juices going pretty damn well.

artist naama alex levy

6. Complete this sentence: For me, photography is _________.

A way of expressing boring or very deep emotions. or whatever is in between.  It’s a great way to remember.  This “tool” is very symbolic to who I am as a person. It’s without a doubt something I was born to do (among other things I hope…)

self portrait naama alex levy


More info: 

Naama’s website, blog, FB page

Upcoming project: Naama will be participating at the “Urban Photography” group show in Lyon. More info here.



Want to be included in the series? Submit your work with a link to your website on the blog’s official FB page: www.facebook.com/telavivgalleries

