Posts from the ‘Studio Visits’ category

Interview: Lihi Turjeman

Untitled, 2013, Acrylic, charcoal and graphite on canvas, 280 x 430 cm This piece was presented in Turjeman’s most recent show at Sommer Gallery Lihi Turjeman (b.…

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Guest Post: Ilit Azoulay’s Studio in Berlin

Ilit Azoulay in her studio Adela Yawitz grew up in Tel Aviv and studied art history at Columbia University. She currently lives in Berlin, where she works in…

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Studio Visit: Zoya Cherkassky

  Last week I finally visited Zoya Cherkassky‘s studio, after my friend and colleague Rufina Valsky, had made the introduction. Cherkassky’s studio is located at the “Kiryat…

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Meet the Artist: Alona Rodeh

From the catalog of the exhibition “Above and Beyond” at the CCA Alona Rodeh’s show at the CCA (Center for Contemporary Art), “Above and Beyond” is…

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Studio Visit: Foma <3

  I knew Foma from the work she had done in the streets, especially from the series of posters showing her self-portraits. In these photographs, Foma is…

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Studio Visit: Know Hope

A picture from the opening of Know Hope’s show at Gordon Gallery 2. Know Hope’s beautiful street interventions and gallery exhibitions made me very curious to…

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Studio visit: Lital Lev Cohen

Lital Lev Cohen grew up in Israel and London and holds a BFA in fine arts from Parsons School of Design and MFA from Yale School…

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Studio Visit: Guy Yanai

  Wonderful Sunday at Guy Yanai’s colorful studio: More about Guy Yanai here

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